Choice Of Weapon

Liebe, Aufruhr, Erlösung - bei der Wahl der emotionalen Waffen geben sich The Cult nicht bescheiden. "Choice Of Weapon" ist das erste Studiowerk der englischen Band seit ihrem 2007er-Album "Born Into This" und ihr neuntes insgesamt. Zehn ungeschliffene, eindringliche und einnehmende Breitwandvisionen über die emotionalen Höhen und Tiefen des Seins - geschrieben von Sänger Ian Astbury und Gitarrist Billy Duffy. Aufgenommen wurde "Choice Of Weapon" in New York, Los Angeles, der kalifornischen Wüste und dem bandeigenen Studio mit alten Bekannten wie Produzent Bob Rock (Metallica), der die Arbeit des Co-Produzenten Chris Goss (Queens Of The Stone Age, Masters Of Reality) veredelte. "Choice Of Weapon" wird die Herzen der seit Jahren loyalen Fanschar im Sturm erobern. Inhaltlich reflektieren die Songs die Zerstörung unserer Ökosysteme, die Suche nach Individualität in einer Welt des Materialismus, Narzissmus und der Entfremdung.
Das Doppelalbum auf Vinyl und die Doppel-CD-de-luxe-Version enthalten je vier Bonus-Tracks.

One of the finest British rock acts to have enjoyed worldwide success over the last few decades, The Cult has wrapped up recording Choice of Weapon (COOKCD548), the group s first studio album in five years. Released on 21st May 2012 on their new UK label Cooking Vinyl, its 10 tracks reveal the band at its rawest and most visceral, encapsulating cinematic visions and themes of love, revolt, and redemption. Fans can get an early taster of the album from 2pm on Tuesday 31st January when the track Lucifer will be available as a free download through the band s website Details are being confirmed for a worldwide tour and will be announced soon. Choice of Weapon is the follow up to the critically-acclaimed 2007 release Born Into This that the UK s Mojo magazine called a wholehearted, utopian and irrefutably exciting record." Long-time Cult collaborator and producer Bob Rock (Metallica, Bush) - who produced one of The Cult s most successful albums, the platinum-certified Sonic Temple - put the finishing touches on the foundations that were laid by co-producer Chris Goss (Queens of the Stone Age, U.N.K.L.E., Masters of Reality). The record was written by Ian Astbury and Billy Duffy, recorded in New York City, Los Angeles, the California high desert, and the band s Witch Mountain studios in the Hollywood Hills between July and December 2011. The new release features founding members Astbury on vocals and Duffy on guitars, with drummer John Tempesta and bassist Chris Wyse. "We have had the opportunity to work with two of the most influential and talented producers in the world today, said Astbury. They pushed us beyond our comfort zone, and helped us craft Choice of Weapon. The album is aimed at the heart of The Cult's loyal following. It reflects the current discontent and destruction of our eco systems, the search for individual meaning against a tide of rampant materialism, narcissism and disconnected lives. We went deeper . . . we worked a bit harder on this record. We have great fans and they deserve our best, added Duffy, and I feel this is as strong as any album we have ever released.

Choice Of Weapon
€ 20.90*
1. Honey from a Knife
2. Elemental Light
3. The Wolf
4. Life > Death
5. For the Animals
6. Amnesia
7. Wilderness Now
8. Lucifer
9. A Pale Horse
10. This Night In The City Forever
11. Every Man And Woman Is A Star
12. Embers
13. Until The Light Takes Us
14. Siberia