A Loud Guitar

Der Gitarrist der Rainravens hat ein Soloalbum produziert. Lange genug war er im Schatten von Frontmann Andy Van Dyke gestanden, obwohl er viele der Rainravens-Stücke mitkomponiert hatte. So sind auch die meisten Songs auf "A Loud Guitar" Duo-Kompositionen wie "Long Way To Fall" vom 1996-Debüt, "Earth Rolls On" und "Ruby" vom bisher letzten Studioalbum "Garden Rocket" von 2007 oder auch "Welcome To Nashville" aus "Diamond Blur" (1997). Alle Neuinterpratationen klingen tatsächlich völlig losgelöst von den Originalen, was vor allem dem deutlichen Übergewicht der E-Gitarre zu verdanken ist. Nicht ohne Grund heißt das Album "A Loud Guitar".
In der englischen Beschreibung weiter unten erklärt Ducharme-Jones, wie er die Songs für dieses Album herausgepickt hatte.

Founding member and guitarist of the Rainravens, David Ducharme-Jones' new release "A Loud Guitar" showcases a collection of nine songs (seven previously released on Rainraven's (RR) albums during different times of Ducharme-Jones' involvement with the band) tied together by soulful vocals, sophisticated guitar stylings, rootsy arrangements and jam band improvisation.
Ducharme-Jones shares a little of what was on his mind during the recording process of his new record:
Long Way to Fall was from the first Rainravens' album titled Rainravens. “This song has always been one of my favorites and here I turn it up a notch or two, which I think fits the song well. It’s a hell bent drive into desolation. Julieann Banks provides a dose of "Floydish soul" with her vocal improvisation over the songs ending jam."
I Am a Diamond (anyway) "was written by David Zollo and Bejae Fleming, both of whom are from my home state of Iowa. A friend of mine played me Bejae’s version of this song and it really struck me. I think it fits with this collection of songs nicely. The RR’s could have appreciated this song. Julieann Banks harmonies fit the songs' tone beautifully."
Left Undone "is the first song I brought into a session I had with Andy Van Dyke after we hadn’t seen each other in a few years and a mutual friend had gotten us together. It was like old times. I brought the riff and chord changes and showed it to Andy and two days later he had his lyrics and a week later we recorded the song to be included on Rainravens Best Of release in 2006. My wife Anne Ducharme-Jones rocks out the harmony on this track. Also, original RR’s bass player David Evertson and drummer Michael Kopp who was the drummer on Garden Rocket set the groove to this one. This song rocks!"
Earth Rolls Over, "another favorite from RR’s Garden Rocket in 2007. I loved playing this song so much on tour that I didn’t stray far from the original. I just wanted an excuse to play it again!"
Welcome to Nashville is a song that came about from actual true events during the RR’s early days and ended up on our second release Diamond Blur. "I was thinking Little Feat with the twisted guitar riff and I ripped off James Burton’s lick from Gram Parsons' ‘Ooh Las Vegas’ when I was putting together the music. Andy Van Dyke put’s a brilliant spin on the last verse."
The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys "one of Traffic's iconic tunes. What else can I say but it’s a slow jam. Ian Bailey, from the infamous Austin band Loose Diamonds, plays drums."
I Ain’t Ever Going Home, is from RR’s first album. "Originally when this song was recorded I wanted to put an electric guitar on it but was voted down because the bands wanting to be an acoustic band. Here I turned the guitars up to loud, changed the key and turned it into the rocker I knew it could be. Anne Ducharme-Jones again lends her vocals to this track and Ian Bailey plays drums."
My Soul and You, another from RR’s eponymously titled first album. "I’ve always liked the 6/8 bluesy feel this song has. Van Dyke’s lyrics fit the mood of the music and he told me one time it was in tribute to the ongoing success of my marriage to Annie. It’s blues with a twist."
Ruby first appeared on Garden Rocket, RR’s last album for Blue-Rose Records in 2007. "This track was the song that got me going down this road. It was a one-off idea to try out my current studio and I liked the results so much I revisited these songs. Julieann Banks provides bluesy harmonies and Richard Bowden adds some great Austin style country rock fiddle."
Ducharme-Jones wraps it up "so without turning my back or trying to pay tribute to, I approached these songs with just my instincts and how they spoke to me at this point in time. I had to go back to move forward…."

A Loud Guitar
BOP 201
€ 12.90*
1. Long Way To Fall
2. I Am A Diamond (Anyway)
3. Left Undone
4. Earth Rolls Over
5. Welcome To Nashville
6. The Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys
7. I Ain't Ever Going Home
8. My Soul And You
9. Ruby