Presents Of The Past/Requests Revisited

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Ad Vanderveen, der aktuell wohl profilierteste niederländische Singer/Songwriter mit klarer Americana-Nähe, bedient derzeit seine Fans in praller Vielfalt. Nach dem Studioalbum Driven By A Dream vom Oktober 2012 und dem Live-Set Live Labor von 2013 bietet Vanderveen nun ein opulentes Doppelalbum, das sowohl seine alten Fans begeistern als auch neue finden sollte. CD 1 ist betitelt mit Presents Of The Past und enthält neue Songs, live ohne Publikum in einem kleinen Theater mit akustischen Instrumenten mitgeschnitten. Die Songs atmen die Atmosphäre der Zeitlosigkeit, sind reich an Roots Music-Einflüssen undinterpretiert mit traditionellen Instrumenten. CD 2 mit dem Titel Requests Revisited enthält Neueinspielungen von Stücken, die von Vanderveens Publikum immer wieder auf der Wunschliste stehen.

Wie der Albumtitel bereits suggeriert, besteht zwischen den beiden CDs eine Verbindung zu einem Konzeptalbum. Der Hörer bekommt einen umfassenden Überblick über die Arbeit eines Singer-Songwriters über eine Zeitspanne von 40 Jahren.

Der Grundgedanke des Doppelpacks, der nicht in A- und B-Seite unterteilt sein möchte, ist ein durchgängig akustischer Sound, ob mit leisen oder lauten Tönen, immer mit dem Hauptaugenmerk auf die Verbindung von Musik zu den Songtexten fokusiert. Die Arrangements sind karg aber effektiv, unterstützt von Standbass, Perkussionsinstrumenten, Gitarren, Banjo, Akkordeon, Harmoniegesang und sogar von einem Chor.

Vanderveen begründet die Idee zu diesem Album so: "It started with the idea to re-record the requests I've been getting at live shows through the years, since many of those songs are not available on CD anymore. It almost felt like I was covering myself, but during the work on 'Requests' the new songs also kept coming. They seemed to have more of a vintage-roots character to them and asked for a slightly different approach."

2015 will see the release of a double CD by singer songwriter Ad Vanderveen. One disc consists of new songs and is titled: Presents Of The Past. The other disc contains newly recorded audience favorites entitled: Requests Revisited.

As the titles suggest there is a connection between the two and they seem to go together like a kind of concept album. The listener gets an inside peek into, and an overview of, the singer songwriter's life and work over a 40-year career.

The basis for the new songs on Presents Of The Past was recorded live with an acoustic combo in a small theatre without an audience. The songs breathe an atmosphere of timelessness, rich with roots music influences and traditional instruments. The M.O. of Requests Revisited is more of a studio production with arrangements for band, strings and guest musicians.

The common thread throughout both discs is acoustic under-and-overtones, with musicianship always serving the lyrics. The arrangements are sparse yet effective, with upright bass, percussion, guitars, keyboards, banjo, accordion, harmony vocals and even a gospel choir.

Vanderveen comments: "It started with the idea to re-record the requests I've been getting at live shows through the years, since many of those songs are not available on CD anymore. It almost felt like I was covering myself, but during the work on 'Requests' the new songs also kept coming. They seemed to have more of a vintage-roots character to them and asked for a slightly different approach."

Presents Of The Past/Requests Revisited has no A or B side. For those already familiar with Vanderveen's repertoire the new songs may be the main focus. The uninitiated may first be drawn to the Requests for an overview of the singer-songwriter's oeuvre. In each case this can be considered a milestone in the work of one of today's finest artists in the Roots/Americana genre.

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Presents Of The Past/Requests Revisited
Presents Of The Past/Requests Revisited
BLU DP0658
€ 9.50*

CD 1 - Presents Of The Past
1. Welcome To My Kitchen
2. Presents Of The Past
3. Long Ride
4. Well That Never Runs Dry
5. Small Time Real Life Stories
6. Another Life
7. The Future Has Changed
8. Music Waiting For Words
9. World So Crowded
10. Sister
CD 2 - Requests Revisited
1. First Feeling
2. Anchor
3. Blues So Bad
4. Emigrant Family
5. The Moment That Matters
6. Well Of Wonder
7. Soul Power
8. Wonders Of The World
9. Driftwood
10. Still Now