"Peace" - das Wort ist gleichzeitig direkt und voller Bedeutung. The Levellers wählten diesen Titel für ihr erstes neues Studioalbum seit "Static On The Airwaves" (2012). Produziert von ihrem Langzeitkollaborateur Sean Lakeman in den Metway Studios der Band in Brighton, besitzt "Peace" die Klarheit und Direktheit früher Levellers-Klassiker wie ihr Debütalbum "A Weapon Called The Word" (1990) oder der nachfolgende Meilenstein "Levelling The Land" (1991), und beweist, dass auch nach 30 Jahren Präsenz das Feuer dieser Ausnahmeband noch lichterloh brennt.
2020 release. Peace: a word that's both direct and loaded with meaning. On the surface, it suggests tranquility, evenness, a state of bliss already achieved. But the word that gives The Levellers' 11th studio album it's title is open to a multitude of interpretations, too. It could be a reference to a disappearing value. It could be a sneering statement of irony. It could be a cry for calm in a crazed world. It could mean whatever you want it to mean. Peace is the most relevant album of 2020. It's been a long journey to get here. Peace arrives almost eight years since the Brighton band's last album of original material, 2012's Static On The Airwaves. Produced at the band's own Metway Studios by longtime collaborator Sean Lakeman, Peace possesses the clarity and directness of early Levellers classics such as their 1990 debut album A Weapon Called The Word and it's landmark follow-up, Levelling The Land.