Blue Rose Nuggets Vol. 45
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Die ursprüngliche Idee unserer Mailorder Only-CD-Serie Blue Rose Nuggets, neben aktuellen sowie älteren Songs auch bisher unveröffentlichte Stücke, sowohl Live- als auch Studiomaterial, "beizupacken", wird mit der vorliegenden Ausgabe Nr. 45 wohl auf die Spitze getrieben. Die Anzahl an raren Songs war nie so groß wie diesmal: Schon fast obligatorisch ist der Beitrag der Blue Rose Christmas Party 2008 – der dritte Soloauftritt nach Tom Gillam und Julian Dawson ist nun erhältlich: Chris Cacavas ist diesmal an der Reihe mit zwei Stücken, darunter die bisher überhaupt nicht auf Tonträger erhältliche Nummer „The Gift“. Sons Of Bill, die im letzten Jahr zur Blue Rose-Familie gestoßen und gleich sehr gut angekommen waren, geben uns exklusiv 3 neue Songs für diese Compilation, die bisher lediglich auf einer EP erschienen waren, die die Band auf Konzerten verkauft hatte. Todd Thibaud schließlich beschließt die CD mit „Song For Katja (A New Star In Heaven)“, einem Stück, das einer guten Freundin des Singer/Songwriters und auch einem großen Fan unseres Labels gewidmet ist, die vor einigen Monaten nach einem jahrelangen Kampf gegen eine heimtückische Krankheit gestorben war. Todd hat einen Nachruf für Katja verfasst, unterstützt von den "Blue Roses" Joseph Parspns, Tom Gillam und Sean Staples, den wir für all diejenigen, die sie nicht gekannt haben, hier ebenfalls abdrucken möchten: "About five years ago I was on tour in Germany with my band and we had just finished our show at a great club in Hannover called The Blues Garage. A young girl came up to me after the set, in her early 20's at that point, dressed in motorcycle gear and looking very excited. She introduced herself and told me that her dad had recommended she check out my music; he thought she’d like it. So on this particular evening she had decided to hop on her bike and ride from Hamburg to Hannover to attend our show. Being a motorcycle enthusiast myself, I thought that was pretty cool. Thankfully she really liked the show and I gained a fan that night, but more importantly over the months and years that followed I gained a really good friend as well. Sadly not long after I met Katja she was diagnosed with a terrible cancer, a cancer that ultimately took her life. She fought very hard and bravely for a very long time, but ultimately she just couldn’t overcome it. Earlier this year Katja passed away. Much too soon, much too young. Those of us who were lucky enough to know Katja are left with memories of a girl who never gave up, never seemed to lose hope, was always positive and smiling and glad to be alive. She’s one of the bravest people I think I’ll ever meet. I’m sure that Katja had her bad days, anyone in her position would. But through it all, she never stopped “living” her life. She just kept going forward, day by day. She taught us a lot about what’s possible in the face of adversity and I only hope that I can find the same courage and grace that she showed when life puts me to the test. I wrote this song for Katja after she passed and I asked some of her friends to contribute to the recording of the song. Everyone submitted beautiful parts and it was up to me to do the final mix and send it off to Edgar at Blue Rose Records for this compilation. It was one of the toughest mixes I've ever had to do; I think because I just wanted it to be perfect. Of course it's not perfect, no mix ever is, and certainly there are mix engineers out there more skilled than yours truly. But the song is there, the parts are there, and I hope at the very least you'll be able to hear the love we all felt, and still feel for Katja. As the lyric says - love never ends. This one's for you Katja, we miss you. Todd Thibaud - August, 2010."
Neben diesen besonderen Songs gibt es wie immer einige Neuheiten, darunter auch einen „Willkommensgruß“ eines weiteren neuen Blue Rose-Künstlers, Chris Brecht aus Austin, Texas. Mit „Black Cloud“ von Hardpan, gesungen und geschrieben von Terry Lee Hale, ist diesmal nur ein einziger Song aus dem großen Label-Katalog dabei, der allerdings zum Besten gehört, was der Singer/Songwriter aus Seattle geschrieben hat.