Blue Rose Nuggets Vol. 57
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Aktuelle Neuheiten, schöne Picks aus dem Katalog, dazu bisher unveröffentlichte Live-Tracks – das ist die Mischung, die eine abwechslungsreiche Ausgabe unserer exklusiven Mailorder Only-CD-Serie „Blue Rose Nuggets“ ausmacht. Die Quartette Shurman aus Austin, Texas und Plainsong aus England, das Quintett American Aquarium aus Raleigh, North Carolina sowie der Solokünstler Colin Brooks nach seinem Ausscheiden bei der Band Of Heathens stellen die neuen Songs dieser Compilation, nie zu einer Veröffentlichung gekommene Konzertmitschnitte von Blue Mountain, Greyhound Soul und Micky & The Motorcars lassen zumindest jeweils ein Stück als Erinnerung zurück, und nicht minder interessant sind die 8 Songs aus dem Gesamtrepertoire des Labels.

New releases, nice picks from the catalog plus previously unreleased live tracks - that's the blend of an interesting issue of our exclusive mailorder-only CD series "Blue Rose Nuggets". The four-pieces Shurman from Austin, Texas and Plainsong from England, die five-piece American Aquarium from Raliegh, North Carolina and the solo artist Colin Brooks after his departure from the Band Of Heathens - all of them are presenting new songs on this compilation. Never used for an official release are live recordings by Blue Mountain, Greyhound Soul and Micky & The Motorcars, here on this CD at least one song of each artist.

Blue Rose Nuggets Vol. 57
BLU NG0057
€ 3.50*
1.SHURMAN – Novocaine Heart / taken from the album “Inspiration” (BLU DP0575)
2.NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND – It’s Morning / taken from the album “Welcome To Woody Creek” (BLU CD0356)
3.GREG TROOPER – We’ve Still Got Time / taken from the album “Upside-Down Town” (BLU DP0531)
4.BLUE MOUNTAIN – Midnight In Mississippi / recorded live at the Laboratorium in Stuttgart, Germany on March 7, 2009 (previously unreleased)
5.LINCOLN DURHAM - Clementine / taken from the album “The Shovel Vs. The Howling Bones” (BLU DP0584)
6.SCRAPPY JUD NEWCOMB – Damaged Goods / taken from the album “Byzantine” (BLU CD0381)
7.AMERICAN AQUARIUM - Casualties / taken from the album “Burn.Flicker.Die.” (BLU DP0586)
8.OWEN TEMPLE – Jacksboro Highway / taken from the album “Mountain Home” (BLU DP0538)
9.GREYHOUND SOUL – Drag Queen / recorded live at the Laboratorium in Stuttgart, Germany on November 22, 2008 (previously unreleased)
10.COLIN BROOKS – Blood In The Water / taken from the album “Blood And Water” (BLU CD0564)
11.GHOSTHOUSE – Golden Hair / taken from the album “Devotion” (BLU CD0328)
12.SONS OF BILL – Siren Song / taken from the album “Sirens” (BLU DP0567)
13.PLAINSONG - Sloth / taken from the album “Fat Lady Singing” (BLU DP0579)
14.THE BASEBALL PROJECT – Buckner’s Bolero / taken from the album “Vol. 2: High And Inside” (BLU DP0537)
15.MICKY & THE MOTORCARS – Stay With Me / recorded live at the Blue Rose Christmas Party at the Bürgerhaus Böckingen in Heilbronn, Germany on December 11, 2010 (previously unreleased)