Blue Rose Nuggets Vol. 67
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Mit der 67. Ausgabe unserer nur über unseren Mailorder erhältlichen CD-Serie Blue Rose Nuggets werfen wir sowohl einen Blick zurück auf die jüngsten Veröffentlichungen als auch einen Blick nach vorne, was (neben weiteren geplanten, aber noch nicht spruchreifen Alben) die Blue Rose-Fangemeinde und hoffentlich auch andere Musikfreunde erwartet, darunter so sensationelle neue Werke von NQ Arbuckle, hinter dem wir schon seit mehreren Jahren her sind, den Los Lonely Boys, die in ihrer Heimat Texas Superstars sind, den Great Crusades aus Chicago, die nach mehreren CDs für unsere Freunde von Glitterhouse jetzt erfreulicherweise bei uns gelandet sind, nicht zu vergessen Hank Shizzoe, dessen neuestes Album Songsmith von Stephan Eicher mitkomponiert und produziert wurde, und auch von dem Trio Tim Easton, Leeroy Stagger und Evan Phillips, besser bekannt unter ESP, gibt es etwas Neues! Und natürlich auch von Tom Gillam, der für seine Duo-Tour im Mai und Juni eine Live Acoustic-CD am Start hat. Wann alle dieses CDs erscheinen, kann man auf der Blue Rose-Website unter "New Releases" erfahren.

The 67th issue of the Blue Rose exclusive mailorder CD series Blue Rose Nuggets features songs of both already available and to be released albums like a brand new NQ Arbuckle record, a band we are chasing for many years already, or The Los Lonely Boys from Texas, kinda superstars at home, The Great Crusades, another new signing on Blue Rose who had released several albums on the Glitterhouse label, also to mention Hank Shizzoe from Switzerland who's new album Songsmith was produced by acclaimed singer/songwriter Stephan Eicher. The trio Tim Easton, Leeroy Stagger und Evan Phillips, better known as ESP (Easton Stagger Phillips), is back with their second album, Resolution Road, and Tom Gillam is promoting his May tour through Germany with a new live album, Last Night On Earth.

Blue Rose Nuggets Vol. 67
BLU NG0067
€ 3.50*
1. RETO BURRELL - A New Pair Of Shoes / taken from the album Lucky Charm
2. JOSEPH PARSONS - Leave This Town / taken from the album Empire Bridges
3. THE BAND OF HEATHENS - Caroline Williams / taken from the album Sunday Morning Record
4. LINCOLN DURHAM - Rise In The River / taken from the album Exodus Of The Deemed Unrighteous
5. JOE NOLAN - Tightrope Dancer / taken from the album Tornado
6. WILLIAM CLARK GREEN - Rose Queen / taken from the album Rose Queen
7. TOM GILLAM - Outside The Lines (live) / taken from the album Last Night On Earth
8. DEADMAN - Things Have Changed / taken from the album How Shall We Then Live?
9. THE GREAT CRUSADES - Sometimes On Sundays Too / taken from the album Thieves Of Chicago
10. DAVID GRISSOM - How It Feels To Fly / taken from the album Last Night On Earth
11. LOS LONELY BOYS - Blame It On Love / taken from the album Revelation
12. HANK SHIZZOE - Where I Come From / taken from the album Songsmith
13. AD VANDERVEEN - Lost in Lederhosen / taken from the album Beat The Record
14. BOB WOODRUFF - I Didn't Know / taken from the album The Year We Tried To Kill The Pain
15. NQ ARBUCKLE - Life Boat (Song For Carolyn Mark) / taken from the album The Future Happens Anyway
16. SONS OF BILL - Brand New Paradigm / taken from the album The Gears EP
17. EASTON STAGGER PHILLIPS - Always Came Back To You / taken from the album Resolution Road